The Logan | Oakland, CA. 2021



“ This mural is a reflection of who I am and what I represent. This is a tribute piece of my Grandmothers journey that combines the cultural elements of Oakland and Hawai’i, which are the regions I lived and have history in. This specific location is in Temescal, one of the oldest neighborhoods in Oakland, known for its lush flora and perennial streams that run throughout the area, closer to the mountains. The concept is that everything is connected, we are connected to each other, to nature, the plants, the ocean, the rivers, the sky. If you follow each line, they connect to the moon and back down. It was important to me to include the ko’olau range, mountains on the east side of O’ahu, I remember that feeing from a child, those sharp and insanely tropical mountains that created waterfalls when it rained. Crazy. From those mountains breaks out tunnels of water into lake Temescal and eventually the ocean. The women represent past, present, and future. The world doesn’t move without women... period. And Im grateful and blessed to have so many intelligent and powerful women in my life. It’s all subjective, somewhat abstract, but there is balance. I have my story, but I want you take from it and find your own story inside it as well. Truly appreciate you”

- This mural lives in the co working amenity space of The Logan, a brand new 204 apartment residential community located in Temescal. The piece can be enjoyed from the walkway that runs alongside the main entrance to the property off of Broadway.”